Abscess - Altar Toy

Black Suit
White Collar
Burning Desire
Mother Fuckin' Father
Holy Man
Cock in Hand
Perverted Plans
Mother Fuckin' Father
Makes Toys
of Little Boys
Priestly Pleasures
Mother Fuckin' Father

Go to Him for Spiritual Advice
He'll Teach you about the Facts of Life
Go to Him to Confess You Sins
He'll bend you over and Force his God in

He Takes
He Rapes
Blind Faith
Mother Fuckin' Father
Sex Games
in God's Name
Pulpits of Shame
Mother Fuckin' Father

Jesus Jizz
Mother Fuckin' Father
Eat Shit
You Hypocrite
Fuck the Church
Mother Fuckin' Father

Teaching Something New In Sunday School
He'll Say God Chose Him To Fuck You
He Prays To Fuck His Congression


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