There was adam, happy as a man could be
Till eve got him messin with that old apple tree
Aint that just like a woman?
Aint that just like a woman?
Aint that just like a woman?
Theyll do it every time
Lot took his wife down to the corner for a malted
She wouldnt mind her business, boy, did she get salted
Aint that just like a woman?
Aint that just like a woman?
Aint that just like a woman?
Theyll do it every time
Samson thought delilah was on the square
Till one night she clipped him all his hair
Aint that just like a woman?
Aint that just like a woman?
Aint that just like a woman?
Theyll do it every time
From our history books we all learned
Nero fiddled while rome was burned
Aint that just like a woman?
Aint that just like a woman?
Aint that just like a woman?
Theyll do it every time
Marie antoinette met some hungry cats at the gate
They was crying for bread, she said, let them eat cake
Aint that just like a woman?
Aint that just like a woman?
Aint that just like a woman?
Theyll do it every time
You can buy a woman clothes
And give her money on the side
No matter what you do
She aint never satisfied
Aint that just like a woman?
Aint that just like a woman?
Aint that just like a woman?
Theyll do it every time
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