
Bowling For Soup - Thirteen

Pinch my arm because I'm dreaminBetter get me out of here
Once again my head is screaminGotta get her off my mind

She's stayinAnd I'm prayinThat she doesn't know what's on my mind
When she's around
She's stayinComplaining
Cause she doesn't know what's on my mind
When she's around

Suddenly I've got this feeling
I can't stop it anymore
Wake me again I'm dreaminGotta get this off my mind

She's stayinAnd I'm prayinThat she doesn't know what's on my mind
When she's around
She's stayinComplaining
Cause she doesn't know what's on my mind
When she's around

Pinch my arm because I'm dreaminBetter get me out of here
Once again my head is screaminGotta get her off my mind

She's stayinAnd I'm prayinThat she doesn't know what's on my mind
When she's around
She's stayinComplaining
Cause she doesn't know what's on my mind
When she's around

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